Rodney and I went to the same school in Camden, Tennessee. He was one year older than I. Although we ran in the same circles, we actually didn't meet until my senior year of high school (1995). He was a freshman at Jackson State Community College. I got to know Rodney through his best friend Michael Simpson. Michael wanted to date my friend DeAnna so he and Rodney would come into the Nunnery's Burger-N-Shake where Deanna and I worked. Because Michael and Rodney also worked at the grocery store right beside Nunnery's burger-n-shake, they would come in nearly every day. I thought Rodney was so cute, but he was extremely shy. I flirted with him for a few weeks before I let his friends know that I wanted to go out with him. When he found out, he began flirting with me. Our first "unofficial" date was an all-night fishing session at Birdsong Marina. We shared our first kiss there that night. Actually, there was a lot more kissing than fishing LOL. After that we just hit it off. We spent everyday for the rest of the summer together. Unfortunately, I had to leave for UT Martin in August. The night before I left, Rodney told me he loved me. Its hard to believe that 14 years have passed since we first started dating. Our looks have definitely changed, but our love has grown so much since then.

Rodney and Beverly