Rodney and I spent June 30-July 5 in St. Louis. While we were there, we ate ourselves sick. We ate at St. Louis Bread Company, Pujols 5 (twice), Ozzie's Sports Bar, Cheesecake Factory, and Calico's downtown. We visited the Busch Brewery, a sculpture park, and airplane museum and went to 2 cardinal's games. We also went to St Louis Mills mall and the galleria. We saw 3 movies while we were there too. The Hangover (bad movie), The Proposal, and Night at the Museum 2.




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Trip to Cincinnati

The kids and I went to visit our friends the Moore's. We became friends when Rodney and David coached soccer together. I sure do miss getting to hang out with them. Rodney couldn't go because he doesn't have enough vacation time. He is having to save his last days for our St Louis trip and we are also going to Panama City Beach for Christmas. Here are some pictures of our trip (I only remembered to get the camera out when we were at the city museum.)


New Family Car

I bought a new car today. Rodney didn't want me too and I just couldn't stop myself. I am an impulse buyer when it comes to cars and he likes to shop for weeks and weeks. I just decided yesterday that it was time for a new car, since my new job would require me to spend so much time in it. Here are some factory pictures. I will take some real pics soon, but it looks just like this.


June 15, 2009

I have hired Mary-Katherine Day to babysit the kids while I work at AFLAC for the summer. After I got off work today, I asked her if she would dye my hair. Then Rachel wanted her hair dyed. MK should go to beauty school because I had so much fun when she was doing it. She is a great babysitter and I am very thankful to have her.



Rodney and I went to the same school in Camden, Tennessee. He was one year older than I. Although we ran in the same circles, we actually didn't meet until my senior year of high school (1995). He was a freshman at Jackson State Community College. I got to know Rodney through his best friend Michael Simpson. Michael wanted to date my friend DeAnna so he and Rodney would come into the Nunnery's Burger-N-Shake where Deanna and I worked. Because Michael and Rodney also worked at the grocery store right beside Nunnery's burger-n-shake, they would come in nearly every day. I thought Rodney was so cute, but he was extremely shy. I flirted with him for a few weeks before I let his friends know that I wanted to go out with him. When he found out, he began flirting with me. Our first "unofficial" date was an all-night fishing session at Birdsong Marina. We shared our first kiss there that night. Actually, there was a lot more kissing than fishing LOL. After that we just hit it off. We spent everyday for the rest of the summer together. Unfortunately, I had to leave for UT Martin in August. The night before I left, Rodney told me he loved me. Its hard to believe that 14 years have passed since we first started dating. Our looks have definitely changed, but our love has grown so much since then.

Rodney and Beverly



I love Saturdays like today. I got to stay at home. No ballgames for the kids and not very much housework. Rodney and Rachel went to see our nephew Zach play today but Caleb and I stayed home to play Wii (Rock Band2). Our dogs Shiloh and Samson have gotten very big lately. I'm afraid of how big they will eventually get. Here are some picturs of them when we first got them and then some of now. At their last check-up Samson weighed 23 lbs and Shiloh weighed 18.


June 13

Well folks. Everyone else is doing it and I enjoy reading them, so I am going to start a family blog. I'm not going to promise to blog daily, weekly, or monthly, because I probably won't. I will hope to blog enough for my family to look at since we are spread out across Tennessee. I also hope, that this blog will be something my children look back on to remember what we did during the years. I hope I enjoy doing this so much that I don't give up on it.